105-60.402-1—Submission of requests.

For records located in the GSA Central Office, the requester must submit a request in writing to the GSA FOIA Officer, General Services Administration (CAI), Washington, DC 20405. Requesters may FAX requests to (202) 501-2727, or submit a request by electronic mail to gsa.foi@gsa.gov. For records located in the Office of Inspector General, the requester must submit a request to the FOIA Officer, Office of Inspector General, General Services Administration, 1800 F Street NW., Room 5324, Washington, DC 20405. For records located in the GSA regional offices, the requester must submit a request to the FOIA Officer for the relevant region, at the address listed in § 105-60.303(a). Requests should include the words “Freedom of Information Act Request” prominently marked on both the face of the request letter and the envelope. The 20-workday time limit for agency decisions set forth in § 105-60.402-2 begins with receipt of a request in the office of the official identified in this section, unless the provisions under §§ 105-60.305-8 and 105-60.305-12(d) apply. Failure to include the words “Freedom of Information Act Request” or to submit a request to the official identified in this section will result in processing delays. A requester with questions concerning a FOIA request should contact the GSA FOIA Office, General Services Administration (CAI), 18th and F Streets, NW., Washington, DC 20405, (202) 501-2262.