105-50.105—Coordination of requests.

(a) This part 105-50 implements the provisions of Title III of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968 (82 Stat. 1102, 42 U.S.C. 4221-422 5), the purpose of which is stated as follows:
It is the purpose of this title to encourage intergovernmental cooperation in the conduct of specialized or technical services and provision of facilities essential to the administration of State or local governmental activities, many of which are nationwide in scope and financed in part by Federal funds; to enable state and local governments to avoid unnecessary duplication of special service functions; and to authorize all departments and agencies of the executive branch of the Federal Government which do not have such authority to provide reimbursable specialized or technical services to State and local governments.
(b) This part is consistent with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Director, Office of Management and Budget, in the Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-97, dated August 29, 1969, issued pursuant to section 302 of the cited Act (42 U.S.C. 4222 ).
This part is applicable to all organizational elements of GSA insofar as the services authorized to be performed in subpart fall within their designated functional areas.
It is the policy of GSA to cooperate to the maximum extent possible with State and local units of government in providing the specialized or technical services authorized within the limitations set forth in § 105-50.104.
The specialized or technical services provided under this part may be provided, in the discretion of the Administrator of General Services, only under the following conditions:
(a) Such services will be provided only to the States, political subdivisions thereof, and combinations or associations of such governments or their agencies and instrumentalities.
(b) Such services will be provided only upon the written request of a State or political subdivision thereof. Requests normally will be made by the chief executives of such entities and will be addressed to the General Services Administration as provided in § 105-50.105.
(c) Such services will not be provided unless GSA is providing similar services for its own use under the policies set forth in the Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-76 Revised, dated August 30, 1967, subject: Policies for acquiring commercial or industrial products and services for Government use. In addition, in accordance with the policies set forth in Circular No. A-76, the requesting entity must certify that such services cannot be procured reasonably and expeditiously through ordinary business channels.
(d) Such services will not be provided if they require any additions of staff or involve outlays for additional equipment or other facilities solely for the purpose of providing such services, except where the costs thereof are charged to the user of such services. Further, no staff additions may be made which impede the implementation of, or adherence to, the employment ceilings contained in the Office of Management and Budget allowance letters.
(e) Such services will be provided only upon payment or provision for reimbursement by the unit of government making the request of salaries and all other identifiable direct and indirect costs of performing such services. For cost determination purposes, GSA will be guided by the policies set forth in the Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-25, dated September 23, 1959, subject: User charges.
(a) All inquiries of a general nature concerning services GSA can provide shall be addressed to the General Services Administration (BR), Washington, DC 20405. The Director of Management Services, Office of Administration, shall serve as the central coordinator for such inquiries and shall assign them to the appropriate organizational element of GSA for expeditious handling.
(b) Requests for specific services may be addressed directly to Heads of Services and Staff Offices and to Regional Administrators. Section 105-50.202 describes the specific services GSA can provide.
(c) If the proper GSA organizational element is not known to the State or local unit of government, the request shall be addressed as in paragraph (a) of this section to ensure appropriate handling.
(a) Direct response to each request shall be made by the Head of the applicable Service or Staff Office or Regional Administrator. He shall outline the service to be provided and the fee or reimbursement required. Any special conditions concerning time and priority, etc., shall be stated. Written acceptance by the authorized State or local governmental entity shall constitute a binding agreement.
(b) Heads of Services and Staff Offices and Regional Administrators shall maintain complete records and controls of services provided on a calendar year basis to facilitate accurate, annual reporting, as required in § 105-50.401.