407.61—Specialized definitions.

For the purpose of this subpart:
(p) The term pickles, salt stations shall mean the handling and subsequent preserving of cucumbers and other vegetables at salting stations or tankyards, by salt and other chemical additions necessary to achieve proper fermentation for the packing of processed pickle products. Limitations include allowances for the discharge of spent brine, tank wash, tank soak, and cucumber wash waters. At locations where both salt station and process pack operations ( § 407.61(o)) occur, additive allowances shall be made for both of these sources in formulation of effluent limitations. The effluent limitations are to be calculated based upon the total annual weight (1000 lb, kkg) of raw product processed at each of the salt station and process pack operations. Allowances for contaminated stormwater runoff should be considered in NPDES permit formulation on a case-by-case basis.
[41 FR 16277, Apr. 16, 1976, as amended at 44 FR 22464, Apr. 16, 1979]