230.8—Application and approval.
A landowner wishing to participate in the Program shall contact the local office of the State Forester who shall provide information necessary to make application.
The State Forester, or such official as the State Forester may designate, shall make basic eligibility determinations, including whether the applicant meets nonindustrial private forest land ownership criteria and minimum and maximum acreage criteria in accordance with § 230.5 of this subpart, and approve Program practices. The landowner shall be notified of such determination in writing by mail.
The State Forester, or such official as the State Forester may designate, shall approve Program practices based on the following:
For approval of practices described in § 230.7(a)(2) -(a)(9) of this subpart, verification that the landowner has an approved landowner forest stewardship plan.
A determination that the practice is consistent with funding priorities established by the State Forester.
Applications shall not be approved unless cost-share funds are available. Approval of an application shall constitute an agreement by the United States and the landowner to cost-share approved practices upon acceptable performance.
Upon approval of Program practices, a Service Representative shall prepare a project outline that identifies the needed technical practices, specifications, and approximate time frame(s) for the implementation of the practice(s) to achieve the objectives of the landowner forest stewardship plan. Upon agreement by the landowner and the Service Representative to the requirements set forth in the project outline, the outline shall be attached to and become part of the landowner forest stewardship plan and shall be effective for the duration of the practice. Requirements of a project outline shall constitute the basis for determining acceptable performance upon practice completion.
Upon approval of Program practices, the landowner shall be notified of approved practices in writing. Such notice shall state that the landowner can begin implementing approved practices.