230.7—Program practices.
Practices for which cost sharing is available under the Stewardship Incentive Program and the reporting codes assigned to each are as follows:
Landowner Forest Stewardship Plan Development (SIP1), which identifies landowner objectives and multiple resource management decisions.
Reforestation and Afforestation (SIP2), which includes establishment or reestablishment of diverse stands of forest trees through natural regeneration, planting, or direct seeding for conservation purposes and sustainable timber production.
Forest and Agroforest Improvement (SIP3), which includes the improvement of forest and agroforest stand productivity, vigor, and health, and the value and quality of wood products.
Windbreak and Hedgerow Establishment, Maintenance and Renovation (SIP4), which includes the establishment, maintenance, and renovation of windbreaks and hedgerows to conserve energy, protect farmsteads, livestock, and crops, and reduce soil erosion.
Soil and Water Protection and Improvement (SIP5), which includes the maintenance or improvement of water quality and soil productivity on forest land.
Riparian and Wetland Protection and Improvement (SIP6), which includes the protection, restoration, and improvement of wetlands and riparian areas to maintain water quality and enhance habitat.
Fisheries Habitat Enhancement (SIP7), which includes the protection and enhancement of habitat for native resident and anadromous fisheries.
Wildlife Habitat Enhancement (SIP8), which includes the establishment and enhancement of permanent habitat for game and nongame wildlife species.
Forest Recreation Enhancement (SIP9), which includes the enhancement of outdoor recreation activities and aesthetics.
In the application and use of pesticides, including biological, chemical, and behavioral substances, practice performance shall meet all label requirements, State and Federal regulations, and local ordinances.
Anyone who carries out practices under this Program shall be responsible for obtaining the authorities, rights, easements, or other approvals necessary to the performance and maintenance of the practices in keeping with applicable laws and regulations.