230.6—Landowner forest stewardship plan.
Prior to receiving approval to implement any Program practice identified in § 230.7(a)(2) -(9) of this subpart, eligible landowners shall have an approved landowner forest stewardship plan. The landowner forest stewardship plan shall be prepared by a Resource Management Professional and approved by a Service Representative and shall identify and describe actions to be taken by the landowner to protect and manage soil, water, aesthetic qualities, recreation, timber, and fish and wildlife resources in a manner which is compatible with the objectives of the landowner.
A landowner forest stewardship plan shall be effective for not less than 10 years, but shall be reviewed at least every five years and may be revised as needed, subject to approval of the Service Representative.
To the extent deemed applicable by the Service Representative, where existing landowner management plans such as conservation plans, Tree Farm management plans, or similar plans meet or can be amended to meet Landowner Forest Stewardship Plan requirements, such plans shall satisfy the requirements of this section.
If a landowner sells or otherwise conveys land covered by a landowner forest stewardship plan, such plan shall remain in effect if agreed to by the new owner. New landowner objectives shall be incorporated through plan revision as needed. Where the new landowner does not agree to adopt the Landowner Forest Stewardship plan, the new landowner cannot obtain approval of new Program practices without preparation and approval of a new Landowner Forest Stewardship Plan.