230.33—Responsible Official program administration.
The Responsible Official shall review and provide concurrence with State priority plans, including any revisions of such plans.
The Responsible Official shall provide oversight for all aspects of FLEP, including program reviews and shall ensure that the Forest Service is represented on each State Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee.
The Responsible Official shall disburse funds to the State Forester or their designated third parties in a timely manner.
Policy in the Forest Service Manual Chapter 3310 will provide additional direction for funding distribution.
The Responsible Official must submit an annual report to the Chief summarizing all activities and practices funded through FLEP for the previous fiscal year.
By September 1, 2006, the Responsible Official must submit a cumulative report to the Chief summarizing all activities and practices funded through FLEP as of June 1, 2006, along with copies of the reports submitted from the participating States.