230.32—National program administration.
The Chief shall develop and implement FLEP in partnership with State forestry agencies and in consultation with other Federal, State, and local natural resource management agencies, institutions of higher learning, and a broad range of private sector interests.
In collaboration with State Foresters, the Chief of the Forest Service and Responsible Officials shall oversee developing and implementing FLEP policy and procedure, including the monitoring of program results over the life of FLEP to ensure that environmental, economic, and social values and public benefits are derived from the program.
The Chief shall annually distribute such funds as may be available for FLEP to the Responsible Official(s) for each of the three geographic funding areas based on the criteria set out in the Forest Service Manual Chapter 3310.
The Chief shall consult with the State Foresters through their Forest Resource Management Committee, a standing committee of the National Association of State Foresters, or its successor.
Allocation factors shall be based on National data sources that address the current status of forest lands of each State or Territory participating in FLEP. Data must be measurable, inclusive of all States, objective, and reliable. The data will address those factors described in the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act (16 U.S.C. 2103(i), Distribution of Cost-Share Funds).
National priorities for FLEP shall reflect the Department and Forest Service priorities for nonindustrial private forest land as provided in the Forest Service Manual Chapter 3310.
The Responsible Official(s) in each of the three geographic funding areas shall coordinate with their respective State Foresters to determine the final allocation to each State based on the following:
FLEP financial assistance may be disbursed to a third party that will assist in program delivery. The Forest Service may disburse funds directly to a third party, which may include, but is not limited to, Federal, State, or local agencies, and landowner, nonprofit, or private organizations, with written approval by the State Forester.
Except as provided at § 230.34(d), no financial assistance shall be provided by the Forest Service to a State Forester or any third party, until the Responsible Official has concurred with the State's priority plan.
The Chief has final authority to resolve all issues that may arise in the administration of FLEP.
The Forest Service shall provide National and regional administrative and financial support and oversight through distribution of available FLEP funds to State Foresters and through monitoring, review, and evaluation of FLEP activities and accomplishments.
FLEP funds may not be used by States for capital investments or capital improvements unless specifically authorized in a funding document and must be limited to $5,000. The limitation on capital improvements excludes practices and activities cost-shared with landowners through FLEP.
Funds may not be authorized in the financial assistance document or used for the purchase of land, any interest in land, or any interest in an endowment.
By September 30, 2006, the Chief must submit a cumulative report to the Secretary of Agriculture summarizing all the activities and practices funded under FLEP as of that date.