223.239—Free use by individuals.

(a) Free use. A person may harvest a special forest product from National Forest System lands free of charge for personal, non-commercial use up to the amount or quantity authorized by a designated Forest Service officer, a Forest Supervisor, or a Regional Forester, as delegated at 36 CFR 223.8.
(b) Free use without a permit up to the incidental use harvest level. No permit is required for the free use of a special forest product at or below that product's incidental-use harvest level, which shall be determined at the discretion of the regional forester or a subordinate officer. The incidental use harvest level covers small amounts of special forest products, such as cones, mushrooms, berries, acorns, black walnuts, or medicinal roots. Any free use of a special forest product that does not have an incidental-use harvest level is subject to this section's permit requirements.
(c) Free-use permit requirement. No person seeking free use of a special forest product, except one identified in § 223.239(e), may harvest a special forest product above the product's incidental-use harvest level without submitting an application to a forest officer and obtaining a free-use permit, unless the permit requirement has been waived for a specific special forest product in a designated free-use area.
(d) Contents of the permit. The permit shall indicate the type, amount, and/or value of the product to be harvested, the permit's duration, and shall contain other restrictions and requirements as appropriate.
(e) Free use without a permit for members of Tribes with treaty or other reserved rights related to special forest products. A member of a Tribe with treaty or other reserved rights related to special forest products retains his/her ability to harvest such products in full accordance with existing rights, including free-use harvest without obtaining a free-use permit, as specified in treaty or other reserved rights.
(f) Free use without a permit upon the request of the governing body of a Tribe. At the Agency's discretion, responsible forest officers may, upon the request of an authorized representative of the governing body of a Tribe, issue a permit that would not otherwise be required under paragraph (e) of this section to a Tribe with treaty or other reserved rights related to special forest products for the free use of a specified quantity of special forest products. That Tribe may then allocate specified quantities of the special forest product(s) to individual Tribal members, up to the maximum amount specified in the Tribal free-use permit. Any Tribe issued such a permit must provide the Forest Service with information related to the permitted harvest, upon request.
(g) Free-use restrictions. A Forest Officer may set conditions on the free-use harvest of a special forest product or deny the free use of a special forest product. Reasons for denying free-use access or setting conditions on free use, except as specified in § 223.240, may include, but are not limited to:
(1) Ensuring public safety;
(2) Preventing interference with Forest Service and/or commercial operations;
(3) Ensuring the sustainability of a special forest product; or
(4) Otherwise protecting National Forest System land.
(h) Unilateral termination of a free-use permit. The responsible forest officer, or any superior officer, may terminate a free use permit without compensation at any time for reasons including, but not limited to, resource protection, weather factors, fire season, road access, conflicts with other users, or permit violations.
(i) Subsistence in Alaska. This section does not affect subsistence uses implemented under Title VIII of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 3101-312 6).