SUBPART E—Procedural Safeguards (§303.400 to §303.460)
- 303.400—General responsibility of lead agency for procedural safeguards.
- 303.401—Definitions of consent, native language, and personally identifiable information.
- 303.402—Opportunity to examine records.
- 303.403—Prior notice; native language.
- 303.404—Parent consent.
- 303.405—Parent right to decline service.
- 303.406—Surrogate parents.
- 303.419—Mediation.
- 303.420—Due process procedures.
- 303.421—Appointment of an impartial person.
- 303.422—Parent rights in administrative proceedings.
- 303.423—Convenience of proceedings; timelines.
- 303.424—Civil action.
- 303.425—Status of a child during proceedings.
- 303.460—Confidentiality of information.