303.321—Comprehensive child find system.
(a) General.
Each system must include a comprehensive child find system that is consistent with part B of the Act (see 34 CFR 300.128 ), and meets the requirements of paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section.
The lead agency, with the advice and assistance of the Council, shall be responsible for implementing the child find system.
(b) Procedures.
The child find system must include the policies and procedures that the State will follow to ensure that—
All infants and toddlers in the State who are eligible for services under this part are identified, located, and evaluated; and
An effective method is developed and implemented to determine which children are receiving needed early intervention services.
(c) Coordination.
The lead agency, with the assistance of the Council, shall ensure that the child find system under this part is coordinated with all other major efforts to locate and identify children conducted by other State agencies responsible for administering the various education, health, and social service programs relevant to this part, tribes and tribal organizations that receive payments under this part, and other tribes and tribal organizations as appropriate, including efforts in the—
Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) program under title XIX of the Social Security Act;
The lead agency, with the advice and assistance of the Council, shall take steps to ensure that—
There will not be unnecessary duplication of effort by the various agencies involved in the State's child find system under this part; and
The State will make use of the resources available through each public agency in the State to implement the child find system in an effective manner.
(d) Referral procedures.
The child find system must include procedures for use by primary referral sources for referring a child to the appropriate public agency within the system for—
Ensure that referrals are made no more than two working days after a child has been identified; and
Include procedures for determining the extent to which primary referral sources, especially hospitals and physicians, disseminate the information, as described in § 303.320, prepared by the lead agency on the availability of early intervention services to parents of infants and toddlers with disabilities.
(e) Timelines for public agencies to act on referrals.
Once the public agency receives a referral, it shall appoint a service coordinator as soon as possible.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820-0550)