303.345—Provision of services before evaluation and assessment are completed.

Early intervention services for an eligible child and the child's family may commence before the completion of the evaluation and assessment in § 303.322, if the following conditions are met:
(a) Parental consent is obtained.
(b) An interim IFSP is developed that includes—
(1) The name of the service coordinator who will be responsible, consistent with § 303.344(g), for implementation of the interim IFSP and coordination with other agencies and persons; and
(2) The early intervention services that have been determined to be needed immediately by the child and the child's family.
(c) The evaluation and assessment are completed within the time period required in § 303.322(e).
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820-0550)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1436(c) )

Code of Federal Regulations

Note: This section is intended to accomplish two specific purposes: (1) To facilitate the provision of services in the event that a child has obvious immediate needs that are identified, even at the time of referral (e.g., a physician recommends that a child with cerebral palsy begin receiving physical therapy as soon as possible), and (2) to ensure that the requirements for the timely evaluation and assessment are not circumvented.