154.850—Operational requirements.

(a) A facility must receive vapors only from a vessel which has its certificate of inspection or certificate of compliance endorsed in accordance with 46 CFR 39.10-13(e).
(b) The following must be performed not more than 24 hours prior to each transfer operation:
(1) All alarms and automatic shutdown systems required by this part must be tested; and
(2) The analyzers required by § 154.820(a), § 154.824 (d) and (e) of this subpart must be checked for calibration by use of a span gas.
(c) The position of all valves in the vapor line between the vessel's tanks and the facility vapor collection system must be verified prior to the start of the transfer operation.
(d) A tank barge overfill control system that meets the requirements of 46 CFR 39.20-9(b) must not be connected to an overfill sensor circuit that exceeds the system's rated cable length, inductance, and capacitance.
(e) When vapor is being received from a vessel with inerted cargo tanks, the remotely operated cargo vapor shutoff valve required by § 154.810(a) of this subpart must not be opened until the pressure at the facility vapor connection exceeds the pressure on the downstream side of the remotely operated cargo vapor shutoff valve.
(f) The initial cargo transfer rate must not exceed the rate agreed upon at the pre-transfer conference required by § 156.120(w) of this chapter and 46 CFR 39.30-1(h).
(g) The cargo transfer rate must not exceed the maximum allowable transfer rate as determined by the lesser of the following:
(1) A transfer rate corresponding to the maximum vapor processing rate for the vapor control system, as specified in the facility operations manual required by § 154.300 of this chapter; or
(2) The vessel's maximum transfer rate determined in accordance with 46 CFR 39.30-1(d).
(h) While transferring cargo to a vessel connected to a vapor control system, compressed air or gas may be used to clear cargo hoses and loading arms, but must not be used to clear cargo lines.
(i) If one of the two analyzers required by § 154.824(d) of this subpart becomes inoperable during a transfer operation, the operation may continue provided the remaining analyzer remains operational; however, no further transfer operations may be started until the inoperable analyzer is replaced or repaired.
(j) Whenever a condition results in a shutdown of the vapor control system, the person in charge shall immediately terminate cargo loading.
(k) If it is suspected that a flare in the vapor control system has had a flare-back, or if a flame is detected on the flame arrester required by § 154.828(c)(2) of this subpart, the transfer operation must be stopped and not be restarted until the flame arrester has been inspected and found to be in satisfactory condition.