110.25—Salem Sound, Mass.

(a) Beverly Harbor, north of Salem Neck, Salem, MA. A line extending from the northerly end of the Salem Willows Yacht Club House 360 yards bearing 281° true to position latitude 42°32′14.3″ N., longitude 70°52′24.17″ W.; thence north 275 yards to Monument Bar Beacon thence 540 yards bearing 080° to position latitude 42°32′25.3″ N., longitude 70°52′2.1″ W., thence 365 yards bearing 175° to position latitude 42°32′14.3″ N., longitude 70°52′1.1″ W.; thence 237° to the shore. [NAD83]
(b) Bass River. All of the area upstream of the highway bridge (Popes Bridge) outside of the dredged channel.
(c) South Channel. Bounded by a line commencing at the northern most point of Peach's Point at position latitude 42°31′08.6″ N., longitude 70°50′32.8″ W.; thence westerly to a point, at position latitude 42°31′21.9″ N., longitude 70°51′15.1″ W. off Fluen Point; thence westerly to a point at latitude 42°31′19.3″ N., longitude 70°51′47.4″ W. off Naugus Head; thence southwesterly to a point at latitude 42°31′00.3″ N., longitude 70°51′16.6″ W. east of Folger Point; thence to a point at latitude 42°30′38.3″ N., longitude 70°52′34.6″ W.; thence easterly to a point on Long Point at latitude 42°30′52.6″ N., longitude 70°53′05″ W. The areas will be principally for use by yachts and other recreational craft. Temporary floats or buoys for marking anchors will be allowed in the areas but fixed piles or stakes may not be placed. The anchoring of vessels, the placing of moorings, and the maintenance of fairways will be under the jurisdiction of the local Harbor Master.
(d) Beverly and Mackerel Coves, north side of Beverly Harbor. The water area enclosed by a line commencing at the southernmost point of Curtis Point in Beverly; thence bearing 238°, 1,400 yards to latitude 42°32′29.7″ N., 70°51′32.1″ W.; thence 284°, 1,475 yards to the western shoreline of Mackerel Cove; thence north northeasterly to the point of beginning.
(e) Collins Cove, Salem, MA. The water area enclosed by a line beginning at Monument Bar Beacon; thence 242°, 580 yards to latitude 42°32′14.5″ N., longitude 70°52′46.3″ W.; thence 284°, 220 yards to latitude 42°32′16″ N., longitude 70°52′55″ W.; thence 231°, 525 yards to a point on the shoreline; thence following the shoreline and the western boundary of the special anchorage area as described in 33 CFR 110.25(a) to the point of beginning.
(f) Marblehead Harbor, Marblehead, MA. The area comprises that portion of the harbor lying between the extreme low water line and southwestward of a line bearing 336° from Marblehead Neck Light to a point on Peach Point at latitude 42°31′03″ N., longitude 70°50′30″ W.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note: The area is principally for use by yachts and other recreational craft. Temporary floats or buoys for marking anchors are allowed. Fixed mooring piles or stakes are prohibited. All moorings must be so that no vessel, when anchored, will at any time extend beyond the limits of the area. The anchoring of vessels and the placing of temporary moorings are under the jurisdiction and at the direction of the local harbormaster.

Code of Federal Regulations

[USCG-2009-0416, 74 FR 27438, June 10, 2009]