728.83—Persons in military custody and nonmilitary Federal prisoners.
(b) Care authorized—
(1) Military prisoners.
Whose punitive discharges have been executed but whose sentences have not expired are authorized all necessary medical and dental care.
Whose punitive discharges have been executed and who require hospitalization beyond expiration of sentences are not eligible for care but may be hospitalized as civilian humanitarian nonindigents until final disposition can be made to some other appropriate facility.
On parole pending completion of appellate review or whose parole changes to an excess leave status following completion of sentence to confinement while on parole are members of the military service and as such are authorized care as outlined in subpart B.
On parole whose punitive discharge has been executed are not members of the military service and are therefore not entitled to care at Government expense. If the circumstances are exceptional, individuals herein who are not authorized care may request Secretarial designee status under the provisions of § 728.77.
(2) Nonmilitary Federal prisoners.
Under the provisions of this section, nonmilitary Federal prisoners are authorized only emergency medical care. When such care is being rendered, the institution to which prisoners are sentenced must furnish necessary guards to effectively maintain custody of prisoners and assure the safety of other patients, staff members, and residents of the local area. Under no circumstances will military personnel be voluntarily used to guard or control such prisoners. Upon completion of emergency care, make arrangements for immediate transfer of the prisoners to a nonmilitary MTF or for return to the facility to which sentenced.
(3) Enemy prisoners of war and other detained personnel.
Subject to the provisions of § 728.3, enemy prisoners of war and other detained personnel are entitled to and may be rendered all necessary medical and dental care.
(c) Charges and collection.
Care provided individuals enumerated in § 728.83(b)(1) (ii), (iv), and (2) is on a reimbursable basis. Complete and submit, per subpart J, a DD 7 (Report of Treatment Furnished Pay Patients, Hospitalization Furnished, part A) or DD 7A (Report of Treatment Furnished Pay Patients, Outpatient Treatment, part B) when outpatient or inpatient care is rendered.