728.45—Civilian components (employees of foreign military services) and their dependents.
(a) Care authorized.
Beneficiaries covered in this section are only authorized care in naval MTFs in the United States and then only civilian humanitarian emergency care on a reimbursable basis (subpart J) rendered at installations which have been designated as remote by the Secretary of the Navy. Make arrangements to transfer such beneficiaries to a civilian facility as soon as their condition permits.
(b) Potential beneficiaries—
(1) NATO.
Civilian employee personnel (and their dependents residing with them) accompanying military personnel in § 728.42(b)(1), Provided, the beneficiaries are not stateless persons nor nationals of any state which is not a party to the North Atlantic Treaty, nor nationals of, nor ordinarily residents in the United States.
(2) Others.
Civilian personnel not covered in § 728.45(b)(1) (and their dependents residing with them) accompanying personnel of foreign nations on duty in the United States at the invitation of the Department of Defense or one of the military departments.
(c) Application for care.
Personnel covered by the provisions of § 728.45 will present orders or other official U.S. identification verifying their status when applying for care.