720.3—Delivery when persons are beyond territorial limits of the requesting State.
(a) General.
When State civil authorities request delivery of any member of the Navy or Marine Corps for an alleged crime or offense punishable under the law of the jurisdiction making the request, and such member is not attached to a Navy or Marine Corps activity within the requesting State or a ship within the territorial waters thereof, the following action will be taken. Any officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction, or officer designated by him, or any commanding officer, after consultation with a judge advocate of the Navy or Marine Corps, is authorized (upon compliance with the provisions of this section and § 720.6, and subject to the exceptions in § 720.9) to deliver such member to make the member amenable to prosecution. The member may be delivered upon formal or informal waiver of extradition in accordance with § 720.3(b), or upon presentation of a fugitive warrant, in which case the procedures of § 720.3(c) apply. The rule discussed above applies equally to civilian employees and civilian contractors and their employees when located on a Department of the Navy installation not within the requesting State, except that compliance with § 720.6 and consideration of § 720.9 are not required.
(b) Waiver of extradition.
Any member may waive formal extradition. A waiver must be in writing and be witnessed. It must include a statement that the member signing it has received counsel of either a military or civilian attorney prior to executing the waiver, and it must further set forth the name and address of the attorney consulted.
In every case where there is any doubt as to the voluntary nature of a waiver, such doubt shall be resolved against its use and all persons concerned will be advised to comply with the procedures set forth in § 720.3(c).
Executed copies of all waivers will be mailed to the Judge Advocate General immediately after their execution.
When a member declines to waive extradition, the nearest Naval Legal Service Office or Marine Corps staff judge advocate shall be informed and shall confer with the civil authorities as appropriate. The member concerned shall not be transferred or ordered out of the State in which he is then located without the permission of the Secretary of the Navy (Judge Advocate General), unless a fugitive warrant is obtained as set forth in § 720.3(c).
(c) Fugitive warrants.
A fugitive warrant, as used in this chapter, is a warrant issued by a State court of competent jurisdiction for the arrest of a member. Normally, a State requesting delivery of a member from another State will issue a fugitive warrant to the State where the member is then located.
Upon issuance of a fugitive warrant by the requesting State to the State in which the member is located, the latter State will normally request delivery of the member to local State authorities. Delivery to local State authorities should be arranged by Navy or Marine Corps officers designated in § 720.3(a), upon compliance with the provisions of § 720.6, and subject to the conditions of §§ 720.9 and 720.3(c) (3) and (4).
Upon receipt of a request for delivery of a member under fugitive warrant to State authorities, if the member voluntarily waives extradition, the provisions of § 720.3(b) apply. If the member is delivered to local authorities but refuses to waive extradition in the courts of the State in which he is located.
No delivery of a member by Navy or Marine Corps officers pursuant to a fugitive warrant or waiver of extradition shall be effected without completion of the agreement required by § 720.6 and execution of such agreement either:
By authorities of the State in which the member is located if such authorities, on behalf of the requesting State, accept the full responsibility for returning the number to a command designated by the Department of the Navy.
(d) Members stationed outside the United States.
When the member sought by State authorities is not located within the United States, see § 720.4.