285.700—What reports must I submit to MMS before installing facilities described in my approved SAP, COP, or GAP?

(a) You must submit the following reports to MMS before installing facilities described in your approved COP ( § 285.632(a)) and, when required by this part, your SAP ( § 285.614(b)) or GAP ( § 285.651 ):
(1) A Facility Design Report; and
(2) A Fabrication and Installation Report.
(b) You may begin to fabricate and install the approved facilities after MMS notifies you that it has received your reports and has no objections. If MMS receives the reports, but does not respond with objections within 60 days of receipt or 60 days after we approve your SAP, COP, or GAP, if you submitted your report with the plan, MMS is deemed not to have objections to the reports, and you may commence fabrication and installation of your facility or facilities.
(c) If MMS has any objections, we will notify you verbally or in writing within 60 days of receipt of the report. Following initial notification of objections, MMS may follow up with written correspondence outlining its specific objections to the report and request that certain actions be undertaken. You cannot commence activities addressed in such report until you resolve all objections to MMS's satisfaction.