104.21—Filing for compensation.

(a) Compensation form; “filing.” Except for applications for Advance Benefits pursuant to § 104.22, no claim may be considered until the claimant has submitted both an “Eligibility Form” and either a “Personal Injury Compensation Form” or a “Death Compensation Form.” A claim shall be deemed “filed” for purposes of section 405(b)(3) of the Act (providing that the Special Master shall issue a determination not later than 120 days after the date on which a claim is filed), and for any time periods in this part, when a Claims Evaluator determines that both the Eligibility Form and either a Personal Injury Compensation Form or a Death Compensation Form are substantially complete. Provided, however, that if a claimant files an Eligibility Form requesting Advance Benefits pursuant to § 104.22 of this part without filing either a “Personal Injury Compensation Form” or a “Death Compensation Form,” the claim shall be deemed “filed” when the Claims Evaluator determines that the Eligibility Form is substantially complete, but the time period for determination and any time periods in this part shall be stayed or tolled as described in § 104.22(g) of this part.
(b) Eligibility Form. The Special Master shall develop an Eligibility Form that will require the claimant to provide information necessary for determining the claimant's eligibility to recover from the Fund.
(1) The Eligibility Form may require that the claimant certify that he or she has dismissed any pending lawsuit seeking damages as a result of the terrorist-related airplane crashes of September 11, 2001 (except for actions seeking collateral source benefits) within 90 days of the effective date of this part pursuant to section 405(c)(3)(B)(ii) of the Act and that there is no pending lawsuit brought by a dependent, spouse, or beneficiary of the victim.
(2) The Special Master may require as part of the notice requirement pursuant to § 104.4(b) that the claimant provide copies of a designated portion of the Eligibility Form to the immediate family of the decedent (including, but not limited to, the spouse, former spouses, children, other dependents, and parents), to the executor, administrator, and beneficiaries of the decedent's will, and to any other persons who may reasonably be expected to assert an interest in an award or to have a cause of action to recover damages relating to the wrongful death of the decedent.
(3) The Eligibility Form may require claimants to provide the following proof:
(i) Proof of death: Death certificate or similar official documentation;
(ii) Proof of presence at site: Documentation sufficient to establish presence at one of the crash sites, which may include, without limitation, a death certificate, records of employment, contemporaneous medical records, contemporaneous records of federal, state, city or local government, an affidavit or declaration of the decedent's or injured claimant's employer, or other sworn statement (or unsworn statement complying with 28 U.S.C. 1746) regarding the presence of the victim;
(iii) Proof of death on board aircraft: Death certificate or records of American or United Airlines or other sufficient official documentation;
(iv) Proof of physical harm: Contemporaneous medical records of hospitals, clinics, physicians, licensed medical personnel, or registries maintained by federal, state, or local government, and records of all continuing medical treatment;
(v) Personal Representative: Copies of relevant legal documentation, including court orders; letters testamentary or similar documentation; proof of the purported Personal Representative's relationship to the decedent; copies of wills, trusts, or other testamentary documents; and information regarding other possible beneficiaries as requested by the Eligibility Form;
(vi) Any other information that the Special Master deems necessary to determine the claimant's eligibility.
(4) The Special Master may also require waivers, consents, or authorizations from claimants to obtain directly from third parties tax returns, medical information, employment information, or other information that the Special Master deems relevant in determining the claimant's eligibility or award, and may request an opportunity to review originals of documents submitted in connection with the Fund.
(5) Application for Advance Benefits: The Eligibility Form shall include a section allowing claimants to indicate that they wish to apply for Advance Benefits. Claimants who apply for such Advance Benefits must certify on that Form that they have not yet received $450,000 in collateral source compensation if they are bringing a claim on behalf of a deceased victim with a spouse or dependent, $250,000 in collateral source compensation if they are bringing a claim on behalf of a deceased victim who was single with no dependents, or an amount in excess of their lost wages plus out-of-pocket medical expenses if they are an injured claimant. All such claimants also must state on the Form facts establishing financial hardship that would justify a determination that they are in need of Advance Benefits.
(6) The Special Master may publish a list of individuals who have filed Eligibility Forms and the names of the victims for whom compensation is sought, but shall not publish the content of any such form.
(c) Personal Injury Compensation Form and Death Compensation Form. The Special Master shall develop a Personal Injury Compensation Form that each injured claimant must submit. The Special Master shall also develop a Death Compensation Form that each Personal Representative must submit. These forms shall require the claimant to provide certain information that the Special Master deems necessary to determining the amount of any award, including information concerning income, collateral sources, benefits, and other financial information, and shall require the claimant to state the factual basis for the amount of compensation sought. It shall also allow the claimant to submit certain other information that may be relevant, but not necessary, to the determination of the amount of any award.
(1) Claimants shall, at a minimum, submit all tax returns that were filed for the years 1998, 1999, and 2000. The Special Master may, at his discretion, require that claimants submit copies of tax returns or other records for any other period of years he deems appropriate for determination of an award. The Special Master may also require waivers, consents, or authorizations from claimants to obtain directly from third parties medical information, employment information, or other information that the Special Master deems relevant to determining the amount of any award.
(2) Claimants may attach to the “Personal Injury Compensation Form” or “Death Compensation Form” any additional statements, documents or analyses by physicians, experts, advisors, or any other person or entity that the claimant believes may be relevant to a determination of compensation.
(d) Submission of a claim. Section 405(c)(3)(B) of the Act provides that upon the submission of a claim under the Fund, the claimant waives the right to file a civil action (or to be a party to an action) in any Federal or State court for damages sustained as a result of the terrorist-related aircraft crashes of September 11, 2001, except for civil actions to recover collateral source obligations and civil actions against any person who is a knowing participant in any conspiracy to hijack any aircraft or commit any terrorist act. A claim shall be deemed submitted for purposes of section 405(c)(3)(B) of the Act when the claim is deemed filed pursuant to § 104.21, regardless of whether any time limits are stayed or tolled.
(e) Provisions of information by third parties. Any third party having an interest in a claim brought by a Personal Representative may provide written statements or information regarding the Personal Representative's claim. The Claims Evaluator or the Special Master or his designee may, at his or her discretion, include the written statements or information as part of the claim.

Code of Federal Regulations

[66 FR 66282, Dec. 21, 2001, as amended at 67 FR 11245, Mar. 13, 2002]