9.121—Warren Hills.
(b) Approved maps.
The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Warren Hills viticultural area are thirteen U.S.G.S. maps of the 7.5 minute series. They are titled:
(c) Boundary—
(1) General.
The Warren Hills viticultural area is located in Warren County, New Jersey. The beginning point of the following boundary description is the junction of the Delaware River and the Musconetcong River, at the southern tip of Warren County (on the Riegelsville map).
(2) Boundary Description.
From the beginning point, the boundary goes northeastward along the Musconetcong River about 32 miles (on the Riegelsville, Bloomsbury, High Bridge, Washington, Hackettstown, and Tranquaility maps) to the point where it intersects the Warren County-Sessex County line;
Then northwestward along that county line for about 10 miles (on the Tranquility, Newton West, and Flatbrookville maps) to Paulins Kill;
Then generally southwestward along Paulins Kill (on the Flatbrookville, Blairstown and Portland maps) to the Delaware River;
Then generally south-southwestward along the Delaware River (on the Portland, Belvidere, Bangor, Easton, and Reigelsville maps) to the beginning point.