Every person bringing liquors or articles under this part into the United States from the Virgin Islands, except tourists, shall obtain a certificate in the English language from the manufacturer for each shipment showing the following information:
A declaration that the liquors have been manufactured in accordance with the approved formula; and
For liquors and articles containing liquors produced outside of the Virgin Islands, the country of origin for each such liquor.
For distilled spirits, a certification by the insular gauger as to whether they were regauged when withdrawn from the insular bonded warehouse and, if regauged, whether they were at the time of withdrawal at the proof indicated on the attached record of gauge.
For distilled spirits which contain eligible wine or eligible flavors, the effective tax rate applied to the product and the elements necessary to compute the effective tax rate in accordance with § 26.262a as follows—
Proof gallons of distilled spirits (exclusive of distilled spirits derived from eligible flavors);
On or after December 1, 1990, the name of the manufacturer, formula number from TTB F 5530.5 (1678) or 5150.19 and date of approval or the date of the statement of eligibility for each eligible flavor (See § 26.204a ); and
The person bringing the liquors or articles into the United States shall file the certificate and record of gauge with the district director of customs at the port of entry, at the time of entry summary, as provided in §§ 26.260 and 26.302.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0352)