The filing of a notice of intention to destroy with the appropriate TTB officer at least 7 days prior to the proposed date of destruction, or
Furnishing the notice to an appropriate TTB officer at the premises who may supervise the destruction or transmit the notice to the appropriate TTB officer.
If, by the date and time specified in the notice, an appropriate TTB officer has not supervised the destruction, or the appropriate TTB officer has not advised the permittee to the contrary, the spirits may be destroyed in the manner stated in the notice.
Following the destruction, if unsupervised by a TTB officer, the permittee shall annotate a copy of the notice with the name of the individual who accomplished or supervised the destruction. This notice shall serve as a record of destruction and shall be maintained with the records required by § 22.161.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0335)