39.144—What is the small high school adjustment?

(a) The small high school adjustment is a WSU adjustment given to a small high school that meets both of the following criteria:
(1) It has a 3-year average daily membership (ADM) of less than 100 students; and
(2) It operates as part of a school that during the 2003-04 school year also included lower grades.
(b) The following table shows the WSU adjustment given to small high schools. In the table, “X” stands for the ADM.
ADM of high schoolcomponent Amount of small high school adjustment School receives a component small school adjustment under § 39.141
50 or fewer students 6.25 base WSU Yes.
51 to 99 students determined using the following formula: WSU = ((100-X)/200)*X/2 Yes.
50 or fewer students 12.5 base WSU No.
51 to 99 students determined using the following formula: WSU = ((100-X)/200)*X No.