
Adjusted income. See 24 CFR part 950.
Annual income. See 24 CFR part 950.
Area Office of Native American Programs (ONAP). See 24 CFR part 950.
Certification means a written assertion, based on supporting evidence, which must be kept available for inspection by HUD, the Inspector General and the public, which assertion is deemed to be accurate for purposes of this part, unless HUD determines otherwise after inspecting the evidence and providing due notice and opportunity for comment.
Community-wide exception rents are maximum gross rents approved by HUD for the Rental Certificate program under § 882.106(a)(3) of this title for a designated municipality, county, or similar locality, which apply to the whole IHA jurisdiction.
Family. See 24 CFR part 950.
HOME funds means funds made available under this part through grants, plus all repayments and interest or other return on the investment of these funds.
Homeownership means ownership in fee simple title or a leasehold interest of not less than 50 years (including 25 years, automatically renewable for an additional term of 25 years) in a one-to-four unit dwelling or in a condominium unit, ownership or membership in a cooperative, or equivalent form of ownership approved by HUD. The ownership interest may be subject only to the restrictions on resale required under § 954.307(a); mortgages, deeds of trust, or other liens or instruments securing debt on the property as approved by the tribe; or any other restrictions or encumbrances that do not impair the good and marketable nature of title to the ownership interest.
Household means one or more persons occupying a housing unit.
Housing includes site constructed, modular, manufactured housing and housing lots.
HUD. See 24 CFR part 950.
Indian housing authority (IHA). See 24 CFR part 950.
Low-income family See 24 CFR part 950.
Monthly adjusted income. See 24 CFR part 950.
Monthly income. See 24 CFR part 950.
NOFA means notice of funding availability.
Project means housing developed, acquired, or assisted with HOME funds, and the improvement of this housing. It includes the site on which the housing is located and all of the HOME-assisted activities associated with the building and the site.
Project completion means that all necessary title transfer requirements and construction work have been performed and the project complies with the requirements of this part (including the property standards adopted under § 954.401 ); the final drawdown has been disbursed for the project; a Project Completion Report has been submitted and a final accounting of project expenses is provided by the grantee as prescribed by HUD. For tenant-based rental assistance, it also means the final drawdown has been disbursed for the project and the final payment certification has been submitted and processed as prescribed by HUD.
Secretary means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Single room occupancy (SRO) housing means housing consisting of single room dwelling units that is the primary residence of its occupant or occupants. The unit may contain either food preparation facilities or sanitary facilities, or both. Alternatively, sanitary facilities may be located outside the unit and be shared by tenants in the project. SRO does not include facilities for students.
Subgrantee means a public agency or nonprofit organization retained by the grantee under a written agreement to administer all or a portion of the grantee's program for its HOME grant. A public agency or nonprofit organization that receives HOME funds solely as a developer or owner of housing is not a subgrantee. The grantee's selection of a subgrantee is not subject to the procurement procedures and requirements.
Tenant-based rental assistance is a form of rental assistance in which the assisted tenant may move from a dwelling unit with a right to continued assistance.
Transitional housing means housing that—
(1) Is designed to provide housing and supportive services to persons, including (but not limited to) deinstitutionalized individuals with disabilities, homeless individuals with disabilities, and homeless families with children; and
(2) Has as its purpose facilitating the movement of individuals and families to independent living within a time period that is set by the grantee before occupancy.
Very low-income family. See 24 CFR part 950.