954.401—Property standards.

(a) Housing that is assisted with HOME funds, at a minimum, must meet the housing quality standards in § 882.109 of this title. In addition, housing that is newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated with HOME funds must meet all applicable local codes, rehabilitation standards, ordinances, and zoning ordinances. The grantee must have written standards for rehabilitation. Newly constructed housing must meet the current edition of the Model Energy Code published by the Council of American Building Officials.
(b) The following requirements apply to housing for homeownership that is to be rehabilitated after transfer of the ownership interest:
(1) Before the transfer of the ownership interest, the grantee must:
(i) Inspect the housing for any defects that pose a danger to health; and
(ii) Notify the prospective purchaser of the work needed to cure the defects and the time by which defects must be cured and applicable property standards met.
(2) The housing must be free from all noted health and safety defects before occupancy and not later than 6 months after the transfer for completion of the transitional housing tenancy period.
(3) The housing must meet the applicable property standards (at a minimum, the housing quality standards in § 882.109 of this title) not later than 2 years after transfer of the ownership interest.