SUBPART D—Youthbuild Implementation Grants (§585.301 to §585.313)
- 585.301—Purpose.
- 585.302—Award limits.
- 585.303—Grant term.
- 585.304—Locational considerations.
- 585.305—Eligible activities.
- 585.306—Designation of costs.
- 585.307—Environmental procedures and standards.
- 585.308—Relocation assistance and real property acquisition.
- 585.309—Project-related restrictions applicable to Youthbuild residential rental housing.
- 585.310—Project-related restrictions applicable to Youthbuild transitional housing for the homeless.
- 585.311—Project-related restrictions applicable to Youthbuild homeownership housing.
- 585.312—Wages, labor standards, and nondiscrimination.
- 585.313—Labor standards.