146.4—Procedures for identifying the individual making the request.
When a request for information or for access to records has been made pursuant to § 146.3, before information is given or access is granted pursuant to § 146.5 of these rules the Commission shall require reasonable identification of the person making the request to insure that information is given and records are disclosed only to the proper person.
Submitting with his request for information or for access a photocopy of two pieces of identification bearing his name and signature, one of which shall bear his current home or business address; or
Appearing at any office of the Commission (located at the addresses set forth in § 145.6 of these rules) during the regular working hours for that office and presenting either:
One piece of identification containing a photograph and signature, such as a drivers license or passport or
Two pieces of identification bearing his name and signature, one of which shall bear his current home or business address; or
Providing such other proof of identity as the Commission deems satisfactory in the circumstances of a particular request.
If the Executive Director or other designated Commission official determines that the data in a requested record is so sensitive that unauthorized access could cause harm or embarrassment to the person whose record is involved, or if the person making the request is unable to produce satisfactory evidence of identity under paragraph (a) of this section, the individual making the request may be required to submit a notarized statement attesting to his identity and that he is familiar with and understands the criminal penalties provided under section 1001 of title 18 of the U.S. Code for making false statements to a Government agency and under the Privacy Act, section 552a(i)(3) of title 5 of the U.S. Code, for obtaining records under false pretenses. Copies of these statutory provisions and forms for such notarized statements may be attained upon request from the FOI, Privacy and Sunshine Acts compliance staff, Office of the Secretariat, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581.
The parent or guardian of a minor or a person judicially determined to be incompetent, in addition to establishing the identity of the person he represents as described in the previous paragraphs of this section, shall establish his own identity and his parentage or guardianship by furnishing a copy of a birth certificate showing parentage or a court order establishing the guardianship.
Nothing in this section shall preclude the Commission from requiring additional identification before granting access to the records if there is reason to believe that the person making the request may not be the individual to whom the record pertains, or where the sensitivity of the data warrants it.
The requirements of this section shall not apply if the records involved would be available to any person pursuant to the Commission's rules under the Freedom of Information Act as set forth in part 145 of this chapter.