146.3—Requests by an individual for information or access.
Any individual may request information on whether a system of records maintained by the Commission contains any information pertaining to him, or may request access to his record or to any information pertaining to him which is contained in a system of records. All requests shall be directed to the FOI, Privacy and Sunshine Acts compliance staff, Office of the Secretariat, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581.
A request for information or for access to records under this part may be made by mail or in person. The request shall:
Include the full name (including the middle name) of the individual seeking the information or record, his home address and telephone number, his business address and telephone number; and
If he is or ever has been registered with the Commission or its predecessor agency, or associated with a firm so registered as a partner, officer or director or 10% shareholder, state in what capacity he is or was registered.
Specify the title and identifying number for that system as it appears in the system notice published by the Commission;
Describe the specific information or kind of information sought within that system of records; and
Set forth any special arrangements sought concerning the time, place, or form of access. A description of the information contained in a system notice and instructions on how to obtain copies of the Commission's system notices appear in § 146.11(b).
The Commission will respond in writing to a request made under this section within ten days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal public holidays) after receipt of the request. If a definitive reply cannot be given within ten days, the request will be acknowledged and an explanation will be given of the status of the request.
When an individual has requested access to records, available to him under these rules, he will either be notified in writing of where and when he may obtain access to the records requested or be given the name, address and telephone number of the member of the Commission staff with whom he should communicate to make further arrangements for access.