420.17—Bases for issuance of a license.
The FAA has completed an analysis of the environmental impacts associated with the proposed operation of the launch site, in accordance with NEPA, 40 CFR parts 1500-1508, and FAA Order 1050.1D;
The launch site location meets the requirements of §§ 420.19, 420.21, 420.23, 420.25, 420.27, and 420.29 ;
The application demonstrates that the applicant shall satisfy the requirements of §§ 420.53, 420.55, 420.57, 420.59, 420.61 and 420.71 ;
Issuing a license would not jeopardize foreign policy or national security interests of the United States.
The FAA advises an applicant, in writing, of any issue arising during an application review that would lead to denial. The applicant may respond in writing, submit additional information, or amend its license application.