420.69—Solid and liquid propellants located together.
A launch site operator proposing an explosive hazard facility where solid and liquid propellants are to be located together shall determine the minimum separation distances between the explosive hazard facility and other explosive hazard facilities and public areas in accordance with one method provided in paragraphs (b), (c), or (d) of this section.
A launch site operator shall determine the minimum separation distances between the explosive hazard facility and all other explosive hazard facilities and public areas required for the liquid propellants in accordance with section 420.67(b)(5), and add the minimum separation distances between the explosive hazard facility and all other explosive hazard facilities and public areas required for the solid propellants in accordance with section 420.65, treating the solid propellants as explosive division 1.1.
A launch site operator shall determine the minimum separation distances between the explosive hazard facility and all other explosive hazard facilities and public areas required for the liquid propellants in accordance with section 420.67(b)(5), and add the minimum separation distances between the explosive hazard facility and all other explosive hazard facilities and public areas required for the solid propellants in accordance with section 420.65, using the explosive equivalent of the explosive division 1.3.
A launch site operator shall conduct an analysis of the maximum credible event (MCE), or the worst case explosion that is expected to occur. If the MCE shows that there will be no simultaneous explosion reaction of the liquid propellant tanks and the solid propellant motors, then the minimum distance between the explosive hazard facility and all other explosive hazard facilities and public areas must be based on the MCE.