32.61—Ice detection devices containing strontium-90; requirements for license to manufacture or initially transfer.

An application for a specific license to manufacture or initially transfer ice detection devices containing strontium-90 for distribution to persons generally licensed under § 31.10 of this chapter will be approved if:
(a) The applicant satisfies the general requirements specified in § 30.33 of this chapter ;
(b) The applicant submits sufficient information regarding each type of device pertinent to evaluation of the potential radiation exposure, including:
(1) Chemical and physical form and maximum quantity of strontium-90 in the device;
(2) Details of construction and design of the source of radiation and its shielding;
(3) Radiation profile of a prototype device;
(4) Procedures for and results of prototype testing of devices to demonstrate that the strontium-90 contained in each device will not be released or be removed from the device under the most severe conditions likely to be encountered in normal handling and use;
(5) Details of quality control procedures to be followed in manufacture of the device;
(6) Description of labeling to be affixed to the device;
(7) Instructions for handling and installation of the device;
(8) Any additional information, including experimental studies and tests, required by the Commission to facilitate a determination of the safety of the device;
(c) Each device will contain no more than 50 microcuries of strontium-90 in an insoluble form;
(d) Each device will bear durable, legible labeling which includes the radiation caution symbol prescribed by § 20.1901(a) of this chapter, a statement that the device contains strontium-90 and the quantity thereof, instructions for disposal and statements that the device may be possessed pursuant to a general license, that the manufacturer or civil authorities should be notified if the device is found, that removal of the labeling is prohibited and that disassembly and repair of the device may be performed only by a person holding a specific license to manufacture or service such devices;
(e) The Commission determines that:
(1) The method of incorporation and binding of the strontium-90 in the device is such that the strontium-90 will not be released from the device under the most severe conditions which are likely to be encountered in normal use and handling of the device;
(2) The strontium-90 is incorporated or enclosed so as to preclude direct physical contact by any individual with it and is shielded so that no individual will receive a radiation exposure to a major portion of his body in excess of 0.5 rem in a year under ordinary circumstances of use;
(3) The device is so designed that it cannot be easily disassembled;
(4) The device has been subjected to and has satisfactorily passed the prototype tests prescribed by § 32.103; and
(5) Quality control procedures have been established to satisfy the requirements of § 32.62.

Code of Federal Regulations

[30 FR 9905, Aug. 10, 1965, as amended at 43 FR 6923, Feb. 17, 1978; 56 FR 23472, May 21, 1991; 58 FR 67660, Dec. 22, 1993]