§ 2166. Termination of Act

(a) Title I [sections 2071 to 2078 of this Appendix] (except section 104 [section 2074 of this Appendix]), title III [sections 2091 to 2094 of this Appendix], and title VII [sections 2151 to 2170, 2171, and 2172 of this Appendix] (except sections 707, 708, and 721 [sections 2157, 2158, and 2170 of this Appendix]) shall terminate on September 30, 2014, except that all authority extended under title III on or after the date of enactment of the Defense Production Act Reauthorization of 2009 [Sept. 30, 2009] shall be effective for any fiscal year only to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriations Acts.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), any agency created under a provision of law that is terminated under subsection (a) may continue in existence, for purposes of liquidation, for a period not to exceed 6 months, beginning on the date of termination of the provision authorizing the creation of such agency under subsection (a).
(c) The termination of any section of this Act [sections 2061 to 2170, 2171, and 2172 of this Appendix], or of any agency or corporation utilized under this Act, shall not affect the disbursement of funds under, or the carrying out of, any contract, guarantee, commitment or other obligation entered into pursuant to this Act prior to the date of such termination, or the taking of any action necessary to preserve or protect the interests of the United States in any amounts advanced or paid out in carrying on operations under this Act, or the taking of any action (including the making of new guarantees) deemed by a guaranteeing agency to be necessary to accomplish the orderly liquidation, adjustment or settlement of any loans guaranteed under this Act, including actions deemed necessary to avoid undue hardship to borrowers in reconverting to normal civilian production; and all of the authority granted to the President, guaranteeing agencies, and fiscal agents, under section 301 of this Act [section 2091 of this Appendix] shall be applicable to actions taken pursuant to the authority contained in this subsection.
(d) No action for the recovery of any cooperative payment made to a cooperative association by a Market Administrator under an invalid provision of a milk marketing order issued by the Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 [7 U.S.C. 671 et seq.] shall be maintained unless such action is brought by producers specifically named as party plaintiffs to recover their respective share of such payments within ninety days after the date of enactment of the Defense Production Act Amendments of 1952 [June 30, 1952] with respect to any cause of action heretofore accrued and not otherwise barred, or within ninety days after accrual with respect to future payments, and unless each claimant shall allege and prove
(1) that he objected at the hearing to the provisions of the order under which such payments were made and
(2) that he either refused to accept payments computed with such deduction or accepted them under protest to either the Secretary or the Administrator. The district courts of the United States shall have exclusive original jurisdiction of all such actions regardless of the amount involved. This subsection shall not apply to funds held in escrow pursuant to court order. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act [sections 2061 to 2170, 2171, and 2172 of this Appendix], no termination date shall be applicable to this subsection.