§ 2014. United States citizens serving in allied forces

(a) Right to compensation
The Commission is authorized to receive and to determine, according to law, the amount and validity, and provide for the payment of any claim for compensation filed by or on behalf of any individual who, being then an American citizen, served in the military or naval forces of any government allied with the United States during World War II who was held as a prisoner of war for any period of time subsequent to December 7, 1941, by any government of any nation with which such allied government has been at war subsequent to such date. Compensation shall be payable under this section in accordance with the standards established by, and at the rates prescribed in, subsection (b) of section 6 of this title [section 2005 (b) of this Appendix], and paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (d) of such section 6 [section 2005 (d) (2), (3) of this Appendix].
(b) Deductions
The amount payable under this section shall be reduced by such sum as the individual entitled to compensation under this section has received or is entitled to receive from any government by reason of the same detention.
(c) Payments on death
In the event of death of the individual entitled to compensation under this section, payment may be made to the persons specified in paragraph (4) of subsection (d) of section 6 of this title [section 2005 (d)(4) of this Appendix].
(d) Filing date for claims
Claims for benefits under this section must be filed within one year after the date of enactment of this section [Aug. 31, 1954].
(e) Certification of claim for payment
Any claim allowed under the provisions of this section shall be certified to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment out of the War Claims Fund established by section 13 of this title [section 2012 of this Appendix].