§ 2007. Commission’s report on personal injury and property claims to President; findings; recommendations; public property; legislative effect

(a) The Commission shall inquire into and report to the President, for submission of such report to the Congress on or before March 31, 1950, with respect to war claims arising out of World War II, other than claims which may be received and adjudicated under the preceding sections of this Act [sections 2001 to 2006 of this Appendix], and shall present in such report its findings on—
(1) the estimated number and amount of such claims, classified by types and categories; and
(2) the extent to which such claims have been or may be satisfied under international agreements or domestic or foreign laws.
(b) The report of the Commission shall contain recommendations with respect to—
(1) categories and types of claims, if any, which should be received and considered and the legal and equitable bases therefor;
(2) the administrative method by which such claims should be considered, and any priorities or limitations which should be applicable; and
(3) any limitations which should be applied to the allowance and payment of fees in connection with such claims.
(c) The Commission shall include in such report—
(1) such other recommendations as it deems appropriate; and
(2) such proposals for legislation as it deems appropriate for carrying out the recommendations made in such report.
(d) Such report, with accompanying evidence, shall be printed as a public document when received by the Congress.
(e) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to imply that the Congress will enact legislation—
(1) adopting any recommendations made under this section with respect to the consideration or payment of any type of claim; or
(2) making any moneys, including moneys remaining in the war claims fund after the making of payments from such fund provided for by this title [sections 2001 to 2016 of this Appendix], available for the payment of such claims.