§ 1989b-3. Trust Fund

(a) Establishment
There is established in the Treasury of the United States the Civil Liberties Public Education Fund, which shall be administered by the Secretary of the Treasury.
(b) Investment of amounts in the Fund
Amounts in the Fund shall be invested in accordance with section 9702 of title 31, United States Code.
(c) Uses of the Fund
Amounts in the Fund shall be available only for disbursement by the Attorney General under section 105 [section 1989b–4 of this Appendix] and by the Board under section 106 [section 1989b–5 of this Appendix].
(d) Termination
The Fund shall terminate not later than the earlier of the date on which an amount has been expended from the Fund which is equal to the amount authorized to be appropriated to the Fund by subsection (e), and any income earned on such amount, or 10 years after the date of the enactment of this Act [Aug. 10, 1988]. If all of the amounts in the Fund have not been expended by the end of that 10-year period, investments of amounts in the Fund shall be liquidated and receipts thereof deposited in the Fund and all funds remaining in the Fund shall be deposited in the miscellaneous receipts account in the Treasury.
(e) Authorization of appropriations
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Fund $1,650,000,000, of which not more than $500,000,000 may be appropriated for any fiscal year. Any amounts appropriated pursuant to this section are authorized to remain available until expended.