§ 1894a. Defense Areas Advisory Committee; creation; composition; duties

The Director of Defense Mobilization [1] is authorized to appoint a Defense Areas Advisory Committee to advise him in connection with the exercise of any function or authority vested in him by section 204(l) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended [section 1894 (l) of this Appendix], or section 101 of the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951, as amended [42 U.S.C. 1591], or by delegation thereunder, with respect to determining any area to be a critical defense housing area. Any committee so appointed shall consist, in addition to a chairman, of representatives of the Department of Defense and the Housing and Home Finance Agency.[1] Any Federal agency shall, to the fullest practicable extent, furnish such information in its possession to the Defense Areas Advisory Committee as such Committee may request from time to time relevant to its operations.

[1] See Transfer of Functions note below.