§ 537. Enforcement of storage liens

(a) Liens
(1) Limitation on foreclosure or enforcement
A person holding a lien on the property or effects of a servicemember may not, during any period of military service of the servicemember and for 90 days thereafter, foreclose or enforce any lien on such property or effects without a court order granted before foreclosure or enforcement.
(2) Lien defined
For the purposes of paragraph (1), the term “lien” includes a lien for storage, repair, or cleaning of the property or effects of a servicemember or a lien on such property or effects for any other reason.
(b) Stay of proceedings
In a proceeding to foreclose or enforce a lien subject to this section, the court may on its own motion, and shall if requested by a servicemember whose ability to comply with the obligation resulting in the proceeding is materially affected by military service—
(1) stay the proceeding for a period of time as justice and equity require; or
(2) adjust the obligation to preserve the interests of all parties.
The provisions of this subsection do not affect the scope of section 303 [section 533 of this Appendix].
(c) Penalties
(1) Misdemeanor
A person who knowingly takes an action contrary to this section, or attempts to do so, shall be fined as provided in title 18, United States Code, or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
(2) Preservation of other remedies
The remedy and rights provided under this section are in addition to and do not preclude any remedy for wrongful conversion otherwise available under law to the person claiming relief under this section, including any consequential or punitive damages.