§ 525. Duration and term of stays; codefendants not in service

(a) Period of stay
A stay of an action, proceeding, attachment, or execution made pursuant to the provisions of this Act [sections 501 to 515 and 516 to 596 of this Appendix] by a court may be ordered for the period of military service and 90 days thereafter, or for any part of that period. The court may set the terms and amounts for such installment payments as is considered reasonable by the court.
(b) Codefendants
If the servicemember is a codefendant with others who are not in military service and who are not entitled to the relief and protections provided under this Act [sections 501 to 515 and 516 to 596 of this Appendix], the plaintiff may proceed against those other defendants with the approval of the court.
(c) Inapplicability of section
This section does not apply to sections 202 and 701 [sections 522 and 591 of this Appendix].