§ 326. Powers and duties of Director; acceptance of voluntary services; fiscal, disbursing, and accounting agent; status of officers of military and naval Services and Reserves and departme

(a) The Director is authorized—
(1) to prescribe the necessary rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act [sections 321 to 329 of this Appendix];
(2) to create and establish, on the date hereinafter specified, Federal record depots in the several States, the District of Columbia, Territories, and possessions of the United States, and to maintain such other offices as may be necessary for the purposes of this Act [said sections];
(3) to utilize the agencies of the Federal Government with the consent of the heads thereof, and to accept the services of all officers and agents of the several States, the District of Columbia, Territories, and possessions of the United States, and subdivisions thereof, in the execution of this Act [said sections];
(4) to appoint and fix the compensation of such officers and employees (not to exceed 1,200 in number by November 1, 1947), as may be necessary for the purposes of this Act [said sections];
(5) to delegate and provide for the delegation of any authority vested in him under this Act [said sections] to such officers, agents, or persons as he may designate or appoint for such purpose or as may be designated or appointed for such purpose pursuant to such rules and regulations as he may prescribe.
(b) In the administration of this Act [sections 321 to 329 of this Appendix] voluntary services may be accepted.
(c) The Chief of Finance, United States Army,[1] is designated, empowered, and directed to act as the fiscal, disbursing, and accounting agent of the Director of the Office of Selective Service Records in carrying out the provisions of this Act [sections 321 to 329 of this Appendix].
(d) Any officer of the Armed Forces or any officer or employee of any department or agency of the United States who may be assigned or detailed to any office or position to carry out the provisions of this Act [sections 321 to 329 of this Appendix] may serve in and perform the functions of such office or position without loss of or prejudice to his status as such officer of the Armed Forces or as such officer or employee in any department or agency of the United States.

[1] See Transfer of Functions note below.