§ 2601. Projects to accelerate closure activities at defense nuclear facilities

(a) In general
The Secretary of Energy shall select and carry out closure-acceleration projects in accordance with this section.
(b) Purpose
The purpose of a closure-acceleration project shall be, within a fixed period of time, to clean up or decommission a Department of Energy defense nuclear facility or portion thereof and to make the facility safe by stabilizing, consolidating, treating, or removing nuclear materials from the facility in order to reduce significantly or eliminate future costs at the facility.
(c) Eligible projects
(1) The Secretary of Energy may establish a closure-acceleration project as eligible for selection under subsection (e) by—
(A) developing a plan for the project that meets the criteria under paragraph (2); and
(B) determining that the project will achieve significant long-term cost savings to the Federal Government from the baseline cost estimate made by the Department of Energy for the project.
(2) A plan for a closure-acceleration project under this section shall—
(A) define a clear, delineated scope of work for completion of the project;
(B) demonstrate that, with respect to the site of the proposed project, there is a regulatory agreement between the Department of Energy and other appropriate authorities for the implementation of environmental remediation requirements that would allow for successful completion of the project;
(C) demonstrate, to the maximum extent possible, the support of State and local elected officials and the public for the project;
(D) contain performance-based provisions to be included in the contract for the project, including—
(i) clearly stated and results-oriented performance criteria and measures;
(ii) appropriate incentives for the contractor to meet and exceed the performance criteria effectively and efficiently;
(iii) appropriate criteria and incentives for the contractor to seek and engage subcontractors who may more effectively and efficiently perform either unique and technologically challenging tasks or routine and interchangeable services;
(iv) specific incentives for cost savings;
(v) financial accountability; and
(vi) when appropriate, reduction of fee for failure to meet minimum performance criteria and standards;
(E) demonstrate that the project will use new and innovative cleanup and waste management technology with potential for application to other locations and facilities without requiring the development of new technologies; and
(F) demonstrate that the project can be completed within 10 years from the date of its selection.
(d) Program administration
The Secretary of Energy, acting through the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, shall implement a program to carry out the provisions of this section.
(e) Selection of projects
(1) The Secretary of Energy shall select closure-acceleration projects to be carried out under this section from among those projects established as eligible under subsection (c) that will result in the most significant long-term cost savings to the Government and the most significant reduction of imminent risk.
(2) For each project selected, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report setting forth the reasons why the project was selected, based on the criteria under subsection (c)(2) and paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(f) Multiyear contracts
Notwithstanding section 254c (d) of title 41, the Secretary of Energy may enter into multiyear contracts to carry out projects selected under this section for up to 10 program years.
(g) Funding
(1) In the budget submitted to Congress under section 1105 (a) of title 31 each year, the President shall set forth funds for carrying out closure-acceleration projects under this section as a separate item in the environmental restoration and waste management account of the Department of Energy budget.
(2) Funds appropriated for purposes of carrying out projects under this section shall remain available until expended.
(3) If a closure-acceleration project is being carried out at a defense nuclear facility with funds appropriated for such projects, the Secretary of Energy may not reduce the funds otherwise allocated to that defense nuclear facility for environmental restoration and waste management by reason of the funds being used for the project at that facility.
(4) Funds appropriated for purposes of carrying out projects under this section may not be used for an item for which Congress has specifically denied funds or for a new program or project that has not been authorized by Congress.
(h) Annual report
The Secretary of Energy shall submit each year to Congress a report on the status of each closure-acceleration project being carried out under this section. The report shall include, for each such project, the following:
(1) A description of the funding already provided for the project.
(2) A description of the extent of the cleanup, decommissioning, stabilization, consolidation, treatment, or removal activities completed.
(3) A comparison of the actual results of the project to the original proposal and the actual cost of the project to the originally proposed cost.
(4) A description of the funding needed in future fiscal years for completion of the project.
(i) Duration of program
No closure-acceleration project selected under this section may be carried out after September 23, 2011.
(j) Savings provision
Nothing in this section may be construed to affect statutory requirements for an environmental restoration or waste management activity or project or to modify or otherwise affect applicable statutory or regulatory environmental restoration and waste management requirements, including substantive standards intended to protect public health and the environment, nor shall anything in this section be construed to preempt or impair any local land use planning or zoning authority or State authority.