§ 441m. Assignment of intelligence community personnel as language students

(a) In general
The Director of National Intelligence, acting through the heads of the elements of the intelligence community, may assign employees of such elements in analyst positions requiring foreign language expertise as students at accredited professional, technical, or other institutions of higher education for training at the graduate or undergraduate level in foreign languages required for the conduct of duties and responsibilities of such positions.
(b) Authority for reimbursement of costs of tuition and training
(1) The Director of National Intelligence may reimburse an employee assigned under subsection (a) of this section for the total cost of the training described in that subsection, including costs of educational and supplementary reading materials.
(2) The authority under paragraph (1) shall apply to employees who are assigned on a full-time or part-time basis.
(3) Reimbursement under paragraph (1) may be made from appropriated or nonappropriated funds.
(c) Relationship to compensation as an analyst
Reimbursement under this section to an employee who is an analyst is in addition to any benefits, allowances, travel expenses, or other compensation the employee is entitled to by reason of serving in such an analyst position.