§ 47508. Noise standards for air carriers and foreign air carriers providing foreign air transportation

(a) General Requirements.— The Secretary of Transportation shall require each air carrier and foreign air carrier providing foreign air transportation to comply with noise standards—
(1) the Secretary prescribed for new subsonic aircraft in regulations of the Secretary in effect on January 1, 1977; or
(2) of the International Civil Aviation Organization that are substantially compatible with standards of the Secretary for new subsonic aircraft in regulations of the Secretary at parts 36 and 91 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, prescribed between January 2, 1977, and January 1, 1982.
(b) Compliance at Phased Rate.— The Secretary shall require each air carrier and foreign air carrier providing foreign air transportation to comply with the noise standards at a phased rate similar to the rate for aircraft registered in the United States.
(c) Nondiscrimination.— The requirement for air carriers providing foreign air transportation may not be more stringent than the requirement for foreign air carriers.