§ 47503. Noise exposure maps

(a) Submission and Preparation.— An airport operator may submit to the Secretary of Transportation a noise exposure map showing the noncompatible uses in each area of the map on the date the map is submitted, a description of estimated aircraft operations during a forecast period that is at least 5 years in the future and how those operations will affect the map. The map shall—
(1) be prepared in consultation with public agencies and planning authorities in the area surrounding the airport; and
(2) comply with regulations prescribed under section 47502 of this title.
(b) Revised Maps.— If, in an area surrounding an airport, a change in the operation of the airport would establish a substantial new noncompatible use, or would significantly reduce noise over existing noncompatible uses, that is not reflected in either the existing conditions map or forecast map currently on file with the Federal Aviation Administration, the airport operator shall submit a revised noise exposure map to the Secretary showing the new noncompatible use or noise reduction.