§ 47128. State block grant program

(a) General Requirements.— The Secretary of Transportation shall prescribe regulations to carry out a State block grant program. The regulations shall provide that the Secretary may designate not more than 9 qualified States for fiscal years 2000 and 2001 and 10 qualified States for each fiscal year thereafter to assume administrative responsibility for all airport grant amounts available under this subchapter, except for amounts designated for use at primary airports.
(b) Applications and Selection.— A State wishing to participate in the program must submit an application to the Secretary. The Secretary shall select a State on the basis of its application only after—
(1) deciding the State has an organization capable of effectively administering a block grant made under this section;
(2) deciding the State uses a satisfactory airport system planning process;
(3) deciding the State uses a programming process acceptable to the Secretary;
(4) finding that the State has agreed to comply with United States Government standard requirements for administering the block grant; and
(5) finding that the State has agreed to provide the Secretary with program information the Secretary requires.
(c) Safety and Security Needs and Needs of System.— Before deciding whether a planning process is satisfactory or a programming process is acceptable under subsection (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this section, the Secretary shall ensure that the process provides for meeting critical safety and security needs and that the programming process ensures that the needs of the national airport system will be addressed in deciding which projects will receive money from the Government. In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary shall permit a State to use the priority system of the State if such system is not inconsistent with the national priority system.