§ 44943. Performance management system

(a) Establishing a Fair and Equitable System for Measuring Staff Performance.— The Under Secretary for Transportation Security shall establish a performance management system which strengthens the organization’s effectiveness by providing for the establishment of goals and objectives for managers, employees, and organizational performance consistent with the performance plan.
(b) Establishing Management Accountability for Meeting Performance Goals.—
(1) In general.— Each year, the Secretary and Under Secretary of Transportation for Security shall enter into an annual performance agreement that shall set forth organizational and individual performance goals for the Under Secretary.
(2) Goals.— Each year, the Under Secretary and each senior manager who reports to the Under Secretary shall enter into an annual performance agreement that sets forth organization and individual goals for those managers. All other employees hired under the authority of the Under Secretary shall enter into an annual performance agreement that sets forth organization and individual goals for those employees.
(c) Performance-Based Service Contracting.— To the extent contracts, if any, are used to implement the Aviation Security Act, the Under Secretary for Transportation Security shall, to the extent practical, maximize the use of performance-based service contracts. These contracts should be consistent with guidelines published by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy.