§ 44704. Type certificates, production certificates, airworthiness certificates, and design organization certificates

(a) Type Certificates.—
(1) Issuance, investigations, and tests.— The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall issue a type certificate for an aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller, or for an appliance specified under paragraph (2)(A) of this subsection when the Administrator finds that the aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance is properly designed and manufactured, performs properly, and meets the regulations and minimum standards prescribed under section 44701 (a) of this title. On receiving an application for a type certificate, the Administrator shall investigate the application and may conduct a hearing. The Administrator shall make, or require the applicant to make, tests the Administrator considers necessary in the interest of safety.
(2) Specifications.— The Administrator may—
(A) specify in regulations those appliances that reasonably require a type certificate in the interest of safety;
(B) include in a type certificate terms required in the interest of safety; and
(C) record on the certificate a numerical specification of the essential factors related to the performance of the aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller for which the certificate is issued.
(3) Special rules for new aircraft and appliances.— Except as provided in paragraph (4), if the holder of a type certificate agrees to permit another person to use the certificate to manufacture a new aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance, the holder shall provide the other person with written evidence, in a form acceptable to the Administrator, of that agreement. Such other person may manufacture a new aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance based on a type certificate only if such other person is the holder of the type certificate or has permission from the holder.
(4) Limitation for aircraft manufactured before august 5, 2004.— Paragraph (3) shall not apply to a person who began the manufacture of an aircraft before August 5, 2004, and who demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administrator that such manufacture began before August 5, 2004, if the name of the holder of the type certificate for the aircraft does not appear on the airworthiness certificate or identification plate of the aircraft. The holder of the type certificate for the aircraft shall not be responsible for the continued airworthiness of the aircraft. A person may invoke the exception provided by this paragraph with regard to the manufacture of only one aircraft.
(b) Supplemental Type Certificates.—
(1) Issuance.— The Administrator may issue a type certificate designated as a supplemental type certificate for a change to an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance.
(2) Contents.— A supplemental type certificate issued under paragraph (1) shall consist of the change to the aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance with respect to the previously issued type certificate for the aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance.
(3) Requirement.— If the holder of a supplemental type certificate agrees to permit another person to use the certificate to modify an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance, the holder shall provide the other person with written evidence, in a form acceptable to the Administrator, of that agreement. A person may change an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance based on a supplemental type certificate only if the person requesting the change is the holder of the supplemental type certificate or has permission from the holder to make the change.
(c) Production Certificates.— The Administrator shall issue a production certificate authorizing the production of a duplicate of an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance for which a type certificate has been issued when the Administrator finds the duplicate will conform to the certificate. On receiving an application, the Administrator shall inspect, and may require testing of, a duplicate to ensure that it conforms to the requirements of the certificate. The Administrator may include in a production certificate terms required in the interest of safety.
(d) Airworthiness Certificates.—
(1) The registered owner of an aircraft may apply to the Administrator for an airworthiness certificate for the aircraft. The Administrator shall issue an airworthiness certificate when the Administrator finds that the aircraft conforms to its type certificate and, after inspection, is in condition for safe operation. The Administrator shall register each airworthiness certificate and may include appropriate information in the certificate. The certificate number or other individual designation the Administrator requires shall be displayed on the aircraft. The Administrator may include in an airworthiness certificate terms required in the interest of safety.
(2) A person applying for the issuance or renewal of an airworthiness certificate for an aircraft for which ownership has not been recorded under section 44107 or 44110 of this title must submit with the application information related to the ownership of the aircraft the Administrator decides is necessary to identify each person having a property interest in the aircraft and the kind and extent of the interest.
(e) Design Organization Certificates.—
(1) Issuance.— Beginning 7 years after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Administrator may issue a design organization certificate to a design organization to authorize the organization to certify compliance with the requirements and minimum standards prescribed under section 44701 (a) for the type certification of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, or appliances.
(2) Applications.— On receiving an application for a design organization certificate, the Administrator shall examine and rate the design organization submitting the application, in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the Administrator, to determine whether the design organization has adequate engineering, design, and testing capabilities, standards, and safeguards to ensure that the product being certificated is properly designed and manufactured, performs properly, and meets the regulations and minimum standards prescribed under section 44701 (a).
(3) Issuance of type certificates based on design organization certification.— The Administrator may rely on certifications of compliance by a design organization when making a finding under subsection (a).
(4) Public safety.— The Administrator shall include in a design organization certificate issued under this subsection terms required in the interest of safety.
(5) No effect on power of revocation.— Nothing in this subsection affects the authority of the Secretary of Transportation to revoke a certificate.