§ 24103. Enforcement

(a) General.—
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, only the Attorney General may bring a civil action for equitable relief in a district court of the United States when Amtrak or a rail carrier—
(A) engages in or adheres to an action, practice, or policy inconsistent with this part;
(B) obstructs or interferes with an activity authorized under this part;
(C) refuses, fails, or neglects to discharge its duties and responsibilities under this part; or
(D) threatens—
(i) to engage in or adhere to an action, practice, or policy inconsistent with this part;
(ii) to obstruct or interfere with an activity authorized by this part; or
(iii) to refuse, fail, or neglect to discharge its duties and responsibilities under this part.
(2) An employee affected by any conduct or threat referred to in paragraph (1) of this subsection, or an authorized employee representative, may bring the civil action if the conduct or threat involves a labor agreement.
(b) Review of Discontinuance or Reduction.— A discontinuance of a route, a train, or transportation, or a reduction in the frequency of transportation, by Amtrak is reviewable only in a civil action for equitable relief brought by the Attorney General.
(c) Venue.— Except as otherwise prohibited by law, a civil action under this section may be brought in the judicial district in which Amtrak or the rail carrier resides or is found.