§ 1959. Agreements

(a) Effective date of certain agreements
An agreement between the United States and the Government of the Republic of Palau consistent with the agreements approved by Public Law 101–62 (101 [1] Stat. 162) shall take effect without further authorization thirty days after submission to Congress.
(b) Extensions
The provisions of article IX, paragraph 5(a) of the Agreement referred to in section 462(e) of the Compact of Free Association as approved by Public Law 99–239, and article IX, paragraph 5(a) of the agreement referred to in section 462(f) of the Compact of Free Association for Palau as approved by Public Law 99–658, are extended, in accordance with the terms thereof, until October 1, 1998, unless earlier terminated or further extended by the laws of the United States.
(c) Authorization
Funding to implement the provisions of this part, and for assistance to the central health care facility and the prison in Palau, and the offices of Public Auditor and Special Prosecutor as proposed in the agreement entitled “Agreement Concerning Special Programs related to the Entry into Force of the Compact of Free Association Between the Government of the United States and the Government of the Republic of Palau” signed on May 26, 1989, shall be available pursuant to the authorization in section 105(c) of Public Law 99–239 [48 U.S.C. 1905 (c)] as referenced by section 102(b) of Public Law 99–658 [48 U.S.C. 1932 (b)] or from funds appropriated for technical assistance to the Secretary of the Interior.

[1] So in original. Probably should be “103”.