§ 57512. Competitive bidding

(a) In General.— The Secretary of Transportation may charter a vessel of the Department of Transportation to a private operator only on the basis of competitive sealed bidding. The bids must be submitted in strict compliance with the terms and conditions of a public advertisement soliciting the bids.
(b) Advertisement for Bids.— An advertisement for bids shall state—
(1) the number, type, and tonnage of the vessels being offered for bareboat charter for operation as a steamship line on a designated trade route;
(2) the minimum number of sailings required;
(3) the length of time of the charter;
(4) the right of the Secretary to reject all bids; and
(5) other information the Secretary considers necessary for the information of prospective bidders.
(c) Opening of Bids.— Bids required under this section shall be opened at the time and place stated in the advertisement for bids. All interested persons, including representatives of the press, shall be permitted to attend. The results of the bidding shall be publicly announced.