§ 57502. Construction, reconditioning, and remodeling of vessels

(a) In General.— The Secretary of Transportation may have new vessels constructed, and have old vessels reconditioned or remodeled, as the Secretary determines necessary to carry out the objectives of this subtitle.
(b) Place of Work.— Construction, reconditioning, and remodeling of vessels under subsection (a) shall take place in shipyards in the continental United States (including Alaska and Hawaii). However, if satisfactory contracts cannot be obtained from private shipbuilders, the Secretary may have the work done in navy yards.
(c) Applicability of Construction-Differential Subsidy Provisions.— Contracts for the construction, reconstruction, or reconditioning of a vessel by a private shipbuilder under this chapter are subject to the provisions of title V of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, applicable to a contract with a private shipbuilder for the construction of a vessel under title V of that Act.